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with-superdirt [2023/12/20 16:40] steve.wangwith-superdirt [2024/06/06 07:24] (current) steve.wang
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Example of using Konduktiva with SuperDirt through Helper Functions ====== ====== Example of using Konduktiva with SuperDirt through Helper Functions ======
-**Warning:** This tutorial assumes you have already installed Konduktiva successfully using the [[https://github.com/renickbell/konduktiva|Konduktiva installation]] instructions and have read through and understood the [[:first_steps|first steps tutorial]]. The tutorial also assumes that you have imported Konduktiva to K variable and assigned any of the example MusicalEnvironments to e. 
 +**Overview: ** This tutorial will teach you how to use SuperDirt with Konduktiva. Installation instructions for SuperDirt is also provided here.
 +**Things To Note:** This tutorial assumes you have already installed Konduktiva successfully using the [[https://github.com/renickbell/konduktiva|Konduktiva installation]] instructions.
 +The link below will explain what SuperDirt is but following the installation instructions in the link is **NOT** recommended.
 +[[https://github.com/musikinformatik/SuperDirt|SuperDirt Explanation]]
 ====== Install Super Dirt Samples ===== ====== Install Super Dirt Samples =====
 One way is to run this inside supercollider: One way is to run this inside supercollider:
Line 25: Line 31:
 ====== Inform Konduktiva of Super Dirt Samples Location ===== ====== Inform Konduktiva of Super Dirt Samples Location =====
-Update superDirtSamplesPath variable:+ 
 +Check if //e.superDirtPath// is defined if it is not you will have have to manually define it with the step below. If it is defined move on to the **Update startup.scd file** part. 
 +Manually update superDirtSamplesPath variable:
 <code> <code>
-superDirtSamplesPath = "/home/user/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/"+e.superDirtPath = "/home/user/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Dirt-Samples/"
 </code> </code>
 WARNING: Change user to your username. WARNING: Change user to your username.
Line 90: Line 99:
 e.play('kick') e.play('kick')
 </code> </code>
 +It should sound something like this:
 +{{ :superdirt-supercollider-testkick-audio.mp3 |}}
 Next to hear more sounds run this code: Next to hear more sounds run this code:
Line 101: Line 112:
 e.play('hat') e.play('hat')
 </code> </code>
 +This sound should be added:
 +{{ :superdirt-supercollider-testhat-audio.mp3 |}}
 Run this to hear 2 more sounds: Run this to hear 2 more sounds:
Line 120: Line 133:
 e.play('tom') e.play('tom')
 </code> </code>
 +These two sounds should be added.
 +{{ :superdirt-supercollider-testclap-audio.mp3 |}}
 +{{ :superdirt-supercollider-testtom-audio.mp3 |}}
 +All four together shoulkd sound like this:
 +{{ :superdirt-supercollider-together-audio.mp3 |}}
  • with-superdirt.1703119244.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/12/20 16:40
  • by steve.wang