Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== class: QuantizedMap ====== <markdown> ### Players Players are processes that can be started or stopped using the metaphor of a player in a musical ensemble like a band or orchestra. Players are data structures to represent an agent which carries out Action functions in time according to an IOI function. Players can be used for a single or multiple outputs. Anything that can be manipulated with a JavaScript function call can be an output. Actions for the SuperDirt sampler and MIDI are included in the distribution. By starting and stopping Players, a performance can be realized. ##### Syntax ``` new Player(name) ``` ##### Parameters ###### name Name of the player. This will also be the value of the name variable in the player. ##### Examples ``` e.players.testPlayer = new Player('testPlayer') e.players.testPlayer.maskMap = 'default' e.players.testPlayer.action = 'midiSequencedRhythm' e.players.testPlayer.rhythmMap = 'default' console.log(e.palyers.testPlayer) ``` This class is usually called by helper functions like setupMidiRhythm or setupPlaybackPlayer. To make the the player work, the user needs to give it a maskMap, action function and, a rhythmMap. --- --- </markdown> class-quantizedmap.txt Last modified: 2023/10/05 23:04by