====== class: RhythmPattern ====== ### RhythmPattern A RhythmPattern is a set of parameters bundled as an object which is used to create a rhythm pattern and mask pattern for a particular Player. #### Methods ##### constructor String -> Number -> [Number ...] -> [Boolean] -> Object Creates the RhythmPattern ##### Syntax ``` new RhythmPattern(n, l, i, b) ``` ##### Parameters ###### n Name of the rhythmPattern. ###### l Length of the rhythmPattern ###### i A number array filled with the booleans "true" and "false". ##### Examples ``` let testR = new RhythmPattern('dopeRhythm', 5, [2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [true, false, true, true]) ``` --- --- ##### addToPlayer MusicalEnvironment -> String -> Adds this RhythmPattern to a player. ##### Syntax ``` testR.addToPlayer(env, playerName) ``` ##### Parameters ###### env MusicalEnvironment ###### playerName Name of the player to add to. ##### Examples ``` testR.addToPlayer(e, 'p3') ``` --- --- ##### add MusicalEnvironment -> String -> Adds to MusicalEnvironment but does not add to a player. ##### Syntax ``` testR.add(env, playerName) ``` ##### Parameters ###### env MusicalEnvironment ###### playerName Name of the player to add to. ##### Examples ``` testR.add(e, 'p3') ``` --- ---