======= Connecting Konduktiva to Music Synthesizer Using Carla =======
On Linux, I will be using [[https://kx.studio//Applications:Carla|Carla]]. I can use Carla to easily connect midi inputs and outputs. To do this open Carla and click the "Configure Carla" button and ensure it is using the right engine. If configure it to use the right engine:

If you did change the settings remember to restart the Carla engine. You can restart the Carla engine by clicking "Engine" on the top left and click the "stop" button. Next, click the "Engine" button again and click the "start" button.

Next click the "Patchbay" button. It is located towards the upper left part of your screen. It is on the same line as and between two other buttons, "Rack" and "Logs":

Scroll around the Patchbay and look for the midi bridges, the should have red tags in them indicating they are midi.

In one of the midi bridges, you should see "Midi Through:(capture_0) Midi Through Port-0". Ensure that it says capture not playback. The pointy part of the red tag should also be facing left:

If you use your mouse to hold down in the "Midi Through:(capture_0) Midi Through Port-0" red tag, then move your mouse. You should see a line coming out. Use that line to connect to the input of the your music synthesizer. In this example I am using a music synthesizer called Yoshimi:

Next configure you music synthesizer to listen to the correct channel. These are the correct channels for the these players. exampleMidiPlayer1: 1, exampleMidiPlayer2: 2, exampleMidiPlayer3: 3, exampleMidiPlayer4, 4. If you do not understand what player are don't worry right now. They will be explained in due time and you will also be reminded to change the channel later. For now just know how to do it. This is an example of changing it in Yoshimi:
{{:yoshimi-changing-channels-circled.png?400 |}}