====== Installation ====== Install nodejs. https://nodejs.org/en/ Install the following packages from npm: * ramda: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ramda * tasktimer: https://www.npmjs.com/package/tasktimer * easymidi: https://www.npmjs.com/package/easymidi * osc: https://www.npmjs.com/package/osc Download and unzip the Konduktiva source. http://konduktiva.org/doku.php?id=download ====== other tools ====== You'll need this file for vim. Place it in your home directory: http://renickbell.net/vim/.vimrc You'll also need this plugin for vim. Put it in your .vim/plugin directory: http://renickbell.net/vim/plugin/tslime.vim On a Mac, you need to install the SuperCollider plugins. http://supercollider.github.io/sc3-plugins/ Run this code in SuperCollider if you haven't installed SuperDirt yet: Quarks.checkForUpdates({Quarks.install("SuperDirt", "v1.7.2"); thisProcess.recompile()}) ===== Using Konduktiva with SuperDirt ===== In order to use SuperDirt, install SuperCollider and SuperDirt. https://supercollider.github.io/ See the SuperDirt installation instructions here: http://tidalcycles.org/docs/getting-started/linux_install ... which is essentially this within SuperCollider: Quarks.checkForUpdates({Quarks.install("SuperDirt", "v1.7.2"); thisProcess.recompile()})