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How to write an action function
This tutorial will teach you how to make your own action function by going through the steps of making a new action function called testAction. It assumes you done everything and understood th first steps tutorial. Including the installation instructions there. The action functions tutorial should also be read.
const K = require('konduktiva') let e = K.setUpMusicalEnvironment(1)
The action function arguments should be in this order for Konduktiva to be able to use it properly: player name, beat, MusicalEnvironment. So we will start this function like this:
function testAction (playerName, b, e) {
Next we will make the action function do something very simple like log messages in the console. When making an action function, it is important to keep in mind that because JavaScript is single threaded, a computationally heavy action function could block the next events, and that's especially weird for events that are supposed to be simultaneous or temporally near.
function testAction (playerName, b, e) { console.log('Hi this is my new action function called testAction.') console.log('testAction playerName: ', playerName) console.log('testAction beat: ', b) }
Next we have to make it so the players in the MusicalEnvironment can use it. To do so, we have the add it to the actions object of the MusicalEnvironment:
e.actions.testAction = testAction
Now to get a player to use it, modify the action variable of the Player:
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.action = 'testAction'
Now if you play the player you will see that it will use the testAction action function:'exampleMidiPlayer1')
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