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L-system Wrappers

Overview: This tutorial teaches you how to use L-system wrapper functions.

Things To Note: This tutorial assumes you have already installed Konduktiva successfully using the Konduktiva installation instructions and have read through and understood the first steps tutorial. The tutorial also assumes 2 things. One, Konduktiva has been assigned to the K variable. Two, user created a Musical Environment using the setUpMusicalEnvironment function using K.defaultConfigurationObject as the first argument and 'exampleMidiPlayer' as the third argument then, assigned the output to the e variable.

const K = require('konduktiva')
let e = K.setUpMusicalEnvironment(K.defaultConfigurationObject,4,'exampleMidiPlayer')

I will list all the functions here. They all have the same syntax so for all functions refer to this documentation. All the functions use variousLsystems function. See docs for variousLsystems [[music_generation#variouslsystems|here]].

The wrapper functions are lsystemNoteMap, lsystemRhythmMap, lsystemChordMap, lsystemGeneralMap, lsystemLegatoMap, lsystemNoteDurationMap, lsystemOctaveMap, lsystemVelocityMap, lsystemPolyphonyMap, lsystemMaskMap, lsystemModeMap, lsystemModeFilter, and lsystemRootMap.

These are functions that will return the information in a form that the MusicalEnvironment will accept for each specific case (QuantizedMap usually). The lsystemNoteMap function will be used as an example here.

K.lsystemNoteMap(baseName,n,patternLength,rules,generations,replacementValues,inputString, allChars = getAllAlphabets(), rhythmMap, e)

baseName: String

The baseName of the variables in the Object returned by variousLsystems. It will also be used if the returned item needs a name. RhythmPattern is an example of this.

n: Number

Number of variables variousLsystems should should generate.

patternLength: Number

Total value of each array returned by variousLsystems.

rules: Object{}

Rules for generating an L-system

generations: Number

The number of generations the L-system should generate for.

replacementValues: Number

The values each L-system letter should be replaced with.

inputString: String

The string that the L-system should start with. The L-system axiom.

allCharas: String

All the characters the L-system uses.

rhythmMap: QuantizedMap or String

If string, it should be the location/name of a rhythmMap. A MusicalEnvironment that contains that rhythmMap should be provided as last argument.

If QuantizedMap provided, it can be both the top level rhythmMap where the values are other QuantizedMap or just a normal QuantizedMap.


MusicalEnvironment. Fill in when filled in location of rhythmMap or when using the modeMap wrapper.

For these examples, the aeolian chord progression will be used. The variables that are repeatedly used will be defined here:

let allChars = ['a', 'b', 'c']
let rules = {'a': 'ab', 'b': 'cc', 'c': 'abc'}
let startingLetter = 'a'
let rhythmMap = e.rhythmMaps.straight

The audios provided will be the audio produced by 1 Player that has been created with defaultConfigurationObject. The audio example will of the Player with 1 difference/modification from the original. So, after each modification, the player is reset. This is the line of code we used to create the 1 Player:

let e = K.setUpMusicalEnvironment(K.defaultConfigurationObject,1,'exampleMidiPlayer')

This is the line of code used to play the Player:


Here is the audio from the original player without any modifications.


e.noteMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemNoteMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.noteMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.rhythmMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemRhythmMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.rhythmMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.chordMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemChordMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.chordMap = 'aeolianFiltered'
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.action = 'sendChordMidiInfo'


Can be applied to any map that use numbers as values. Many function use this under the hood. Here an example is made using legatoMaps.

e.legatoMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemGeneralMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.legatoMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.legatoMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemLegatoMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.legatoMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


Not in use currently the duration of a note is being handled by legatoMap and rhythmMap.

e.noteDurationMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemNoteDurationMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.noteDurationMap = 'aeolianFiltered'
e.octaveMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemOctaveMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.octaveMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.velocityMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemVelocityMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, => {return x * 13}), startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.velocityMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.maxPolyphonyMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemPolyphonyMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.polyphonyMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.maskMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemMaskMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.maskMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.modeMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemModeMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap, e)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.modeMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.modeFilters.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemModeFilter('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap, e)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.modeFilter = 'aeolianFiltered'


e.rootMaps.aeolianFiltered = await K.lsystemRootMap('aeolianFiltered',2 , 30, rules, 10, e.modeFilters.aeolian.values, startingLetter,allChars, rhythmMap, e)
e.players.exampleMidiPlayer1.rootMap = 'aeolianFiltered'


  • lsystem-wrappers-v2.1716006867.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/05/17 21:34
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