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How noteMaps, rootMaps and, octaveMaps work together to produce a midi note

Overview: This tutorial teaches you how to use three different things, rootMaps, chordMaps, noteMaps, in Konduktiva to get the same effect in 3 different ways. Things To Note: This tutorial assumes you have already installed Konduktiva successfully using the Konduktiva installation instructions and have read through and understood the first steps tutorial. The tutorial also assumes that you have done the following things. One, imported Konduktiva to the K variable. Two, use the defaultConfigurationObject object and the setUpMusicalEnvironment function to create at least 4 players with the base name p and assigning the output to the e variable.

  • note-root-octave.1709879515.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/03/07 22:31
  • by